Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Basic Acne Fighting Methods

Nobody wants to have acne. Sporting a pimple makes most of us embarrassed. Lots of people hope fervently that they won't have to deal with acne once they have left their teenage years behind them. Taking care of your skin is the only real way to keep your pores unclogged and to keep acne at bay. You might not want to believe this but there are plenty of adults who still have the same acne problems they had as young teenagers. Here are some ways to help you keep the acne from invading. Keep reading to find out how you can keep your face clean and clear!

Finding a good cleanser is the first step to fighting acne. When you are shopping for your cleanser you need to use a variety of criteria; don't choose a cleanser simply because it is not oil based. You should also look at the salicylic acid. This is one of the most important ingredients in harsher cleansers that are meant for people whose breakouts are prolonged and severe.

For people who don't need a strong cleanser the salicylic acid content is only strong enough to do some basic cleaning and bacteria killing. As you get older though and your skin gets thinner you should use salicylic acid containing products primarily for spot treatment. If you are a fan of makeup either try to wear less of it or try to find makeup that is lighter on your skin. Many bases/foundations are now enhanced with sunscreen which means that you do not need to apply both products. You might even choose makeup that is made with minerals included so that the products help your skin instead of simply clogging it.

Do not run for the cheapest makeup available. Wear your makeup lightly. You want to wear the lightest amount of makeup that you can get away with. It is still possible to look great even though you aren't wearing dozens of layers of product! It is incredibly important for the health of your skin that you go to bed with a clean (and makeup free) face. If you go to bed with your makeup still on you are pretty much guaranteed to have a breakout in the morning.

When acne does appear, keep both of your hands off of it! Do not squeeze pimples or pick at zits. It is always better to leave a breakout alone. Cleaning your face-even when you are broken out-is perfectly acceptable but keep those fingers off of your acne the rest of the time! Yes they will take a few days to heal naturally. Which of the following options do you like better? A couple of days sporting a few spots or decades sporting spot scars?

Keeping acne away does not have to involve expensive or complicated facial care routines. The best way to stay acne free is to simply keep your face clean. Don't be too hard with your face because your skin is sensitive! It is possible to give your face a thorough cleaning without stripping away the skin on your face!

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