Monday, February 27, 2012

The Different Types of Leadership

There's not one style of leadership, but quite a few different styles. There is no one most effective type of leadership, because all leaders must develop a style that's in keeping with their personality and what they would like to accomplish. Leadership style is usually influenced by the setting as well like the style needed for a project manager that's head of a vital business initiative will be different from a camp leader for a summer camp program. This article will check out the various leadership styles and what the positives and negatives of each are.

The classic leadership style is referred to as the autocratic style. This is where the leader basically tells everybody what to do, without taking into consideration anyone else's opinion. This type of leader fails to appreciate any dissent or opinions and suggestions of others. This type of leadership is not very popular today, and is not usually the best way to gain long lasting devotion from staff members. There are actually rare circumstances where an autocratic leadership is required but it is no longer practical for such leadership to be used in a business setting.

The exact opposite of the autocratic style is the Laissez Faire style wherein leadership is practically entirely hands off. Often, a person who uses the laissez faire style would let their people do what they need to do in their own way with minimum input from the top. This type of leadership can be quite successful if everybody involved is proficient at what they do and are very self motivated. It typically is ideal in family businesses or small sized companies where the people know each other well. In bigger organizations, it can result in inefficiency and some people not carrying their weight. The truth is, a lot of workers need a certain amount of direction in order to focus properly and it can be a mistake to believe that everyone is eager to take responsibility and think on their own.

The charismatic style of leadership is one that relies on the temperament of the leader to motivate individuals around him. The media enjoys focusing on charismatic leaders, because they make for compelling accounts. The charismatic leader has a way of getting others to react positively to doing a certain job. Unfortunately, this is something that can't be taught and not everyone can be this kind of leader either. Additionally, it can produce errors when the charismatic leader is incorrect but people are too much under his spell to know it. If a person who is charismatic but also has outstanding business sense will make an excellent leader otherwise a company could sink without the people noticing it.

These are just some of the different leadership styles. A leader will typically have a combination of several leadership styles depending on the situation. If you'd like to become a great leader, you have to study the many types and learn about each of them.

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